My creative process was multi-dimensional, rather than linear. When I first began my project, I intended on displaying my work in 3-dimensional pieces. However, after time went on, I realized that I would be most successful making 2-dimensional pieces with the materials that I had available to me. During this time, I had become discouraged by the fact that I had to change my original project idea, however I came to realize that projects rarely turn out exactly how they are intended to. When I was seeking more inspiration and motivation, I looked towards digital drawing. I had never worked with digital drawing before and wanted to see if experimenting with a new medium would spark my creativity, and it did! From there, I decided that I wanted to include digital pieces alongside my paper crafted pieces not only to show versatility in my art, but also to show the different phases I went through throughout my creative process.
The link below will take you to my tumblr page, where I made frequent updates regarding my project process. I included many of my posts below as well.